Friday, December 12, 2008

Tolerance is a two-way street

I wrote something about the dangers of voting on rights and privileges a few weeks ago. I still hold the same opinion that I did then; the government needs to stay out.

I did, however, find something interesting about all the goings on in the aftermath of the passage of Prop 8.
Here's the article.

A basic summary:
After the passage of Proposition 8, many groups have been rather hateful toward the groups believed to be responsible for the bill's passage. That screams tolerance, now doesn't it?

Just something to consider and think about...

Again, I honestly have no opinion in the issue of gay-marriage. I don't think the government should be able to make decisions about that.
Unfortunately, we live in a democracy (well, sort of). That means, you get to vote on the rights of the masses. Sometimes, you vote things in that only affect others. Sometimes, people vote on things that affect you and not them. All too often, a vote hurts a smaller part of the population. It is the nature of the beast.

Alright, back to bed...

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