Sunday, November 16, 2008

Proposition 8 and natural rights

So, there was a huge protest against the recent passage of Proposition 8 yesterday... There were stories all over the web, pictures on the news after the football game, and a rather large amount of buzz generated on social networking sites. All in all, it was quite a show. They got a lot of people out there.

I'm not here to take sides on this issue, but I did notice something rather peculiar about the people that oppose this law...

Did anyone else notice that many of the people against the passage of Proposition 8 are the same people that are against protecting property rights/personal rights regarding money?

I find it very odd that one person can be for natural and "unalienable" rights, and against natural and "unalienable" rights at the same time.

But, as I've heard many times from people that have voted to restrict rights regarding property, the people have spoken. I mean, that makes sense, right? If someone decrees that the "mob rules," then they shouldn't really fight against it, should they? That's the danger in a "democratic" society.

If you vote on other people's rights, they're probably going to vote on yours.

Just a thought, really...

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